All about smart-apartment

Over the past few years, a large number of proposals for the sale of smart apartments have appeared on the residential real estate market. Such housing immediately gained well-deserved popularity. And in view of the high demand, developers, of course, continue to fill the sector in question with new proposals. This is done so that each buyer can fully realize their wishes, acquire their own square meters. And given the high demand for such residential properties, they should be studied more carefully.
What is a smart apartment
A smart apartment is a compact housing, which is noticeably inferior in area to ordinary one-room apartments, differs in layout, representing one large room with different zones. At the same time, this option does not lose in terms of comfort.
Initially, smart apartments appeared in the USA. And today they are in great demand abroad. People appreciate the compactness, accessibility, comfort of such real estate. In our country, apartments of this type began to appear quite recently. Therefore, the demand for proposals is only being formed. But a positive trend is already visible, its rapid growth. This is due to the many advantages that come with compact housing.
How is a smart apartment different from ordinary apartments?
To better understand what we are talking about, let's compare smart real estate with ordinary apartments according to two main criteria:
square. For smart apartments, it ranges from 18-30 m2, while the area of standard one-room apartments is 35 m2 or more;
layout. Smart does not provide for the presence of a corridor, a kitchen and other separate rooms. All areas typical for a full-fledged apartment are located, one might say, in one room. But due to the separation of different sectors, residents do not experience much discomfort from such a layout. Many people even like it.
Now you have a full understanding of what Smart is.
Pros and cons of smart apartments
Of course, when making a decision to purchase residential real estate, you want to know that it is justified. That is why it makes sense to study all the advantages and disadvantages of smart housing. This will allow you to compare the pros and cons and understand that you are doing the right thing or vice versa, try to find alternative solutions to the problem.
Benefits of smart apartments
The main advantages of compact residential real estate include:
low cost. The price of a property on the primary market in Lviv is about 15 thousand dollars. Based on this figure, one can roughly understand what the figures will be in other cities of the country;
savings on utility bills. Initially, the owner will spend less money on heating and energy bills due to the small area. And given that a small space warms up faster, it is easy to understand that this will also save money;
fast payback. If we compare the low cost of housing and savings on utility bills, it can be noted that such a purchase will pay off much faster than the purchase of an ordinary apartment. In addition, you can rent out Smart for additional income. Demand for such properties, as mentioned, is good;
lack of barriers. It visually expands the space, so even with a small number of square meters, residents feel quite comfortable;
lack of spaces that are not used. Each square of a smart apartment is a usable area that will be used daily;
lower repair costs. Of course, it is easier and cheaper to repair a house of 25 square meters than to ennoble 35-40 square meters;
the opportunity to consider the purchase of smart housing as a profitable alternative to renting. Loan payments will be about the same as rent, only after a few years the property will become the property of a person.
As you can see, there are many advantages. In addition, it is impossible to ignore the wide possibilities in the arrangement of housing. If you look at the offers of the modern furniture market, you will be able to see that the choice of compact furniture, transformer items is simply huge. It will not be difficult to furnish a new apartment, making it as comfortable and functional as possible.
Disadvantages of smart apartments
Of course, it is not without its downsides. In our case, the disadvantages are usually attributed to the following points:
smart-apartment is suitable for a family of one or two people. More people will not be comfortable here;
the cost per square meter of area is higher than in the case of a full-length apartment, but due to the small footage, the price is still an order of magnitude lower;
if the property belongs to the non-residential fund, utility bills will be calculated at commercial rates;
the rapid spread of odors. Considering that we are talking about one large room, this moment is especially relevant. You can solve the problem with a good hood over the stove;
There are many apartments on one floor. Consequently, it will be necessary to establish contacts with many neighbors;
there is no possibility of rescheduling.
The listed shortcomings are relative. In most cases, some of them can be completely eliminated. The main thing is to approach the acquisition and arrangement of residential real estate as responsibly as possible.
Who and why buys smart housing
We have already mentioned that the demand for compact housing is quite high. It is more popular abroad, but in our country the demand for such real estate also continues to grow rapidly. Among the main categories of consumers, we note the following:
people without families who do not need a spacious living space. Interest on their part is justified by the fact that in this situation they will not have to overpay for unused square meters;
single parents with children who want to buy inexpensive real estate. For them, such a solution, due to the limited budget, turns out to be optimal;
persons wishing to invest financial savings in real estate and rent it out for profit. It has already been proven that the payback of smart real estate is very fast;
young couples who do not yet plan to have children. They may consider compact housing as temporary, with the possibility of later exchange for a larger apartment at an additional cost.
The range of interested parties is quite wide. This determines the growing demand for real estate.
Smart apartment - who is it for?
A smart apartment is a very compact housing. But it is important to understand that not everyone will be comfortable living on 18-30 square meters. Therefore, a person should initially think about how justified the planned deal with the developer is, whether he will regret the acquisition.
Find out who suits a smart apartment:
young families without children;
single people with or without a child;
young people starting independent lives.
Small housing will be a justified choice for people who have come to a foreign city, for example, for employment, and plan to start life in a new place by acquiring their own corner.
We have identified the main categories of people who may be interested in buying a small home. But it is important to evaluate the internal preferences, the way of life of the person himself. For example, on a small number of squares, inactive people, people who spend a lot of time at work, those who are not afraid of loneliness, and even love solitude, will feel quite comfortable. For people who love freedom, an active lifestyle, often hosting guests, living in a small apartment can become uncomfortable.
Who can't live in a smart apartment
To clearly understand for whom smart housing is not the best solution, let's find out who will not be able to live in such a limited area:
families with several children - there will not be enough space for a comfortable stay of three or more people;
spouses with a small child - if a father or mother goes to work early in the morning, there is a risk of waking up the baby;
people with large breed dogs - pets need more free space.
These points must be remembered when choosing a home to buy.
How to safely buy a smart apartment in a new building
Clearly understanding that a smart apartment is what you need, you need to pay attention to the formalities. There are two important points here.
The first point is whether real estate belongs to the housing stock. According to sanitary standards, the area of the apartment cannot be less than 30 square meters. But we know that the number of squares in smart apartments varies between 18-30 squares. And all the premises that do not meet the established standards are often referred to by developers in the documentation as apartments, studios. Therefore, when planning to make a purchase, you need to stop at objects related to the housing stock, and not commercial real estate, and check their compliance with sanitary standards. All the necessary information is in the documentation. It should be read very carefully.
The second point is the security of cooperation with a specific developer. The bottom line is that the vast majority of smart apartments people buy in new buildings, when the property is still under construction. It is cheaper, but more risky than buying a house in a commissioned house. And in order for the transaction to be successful, accompanied by minimal risks, it is necessary:
Give preference to well-known developer companies that have been around for a long time, have successfully commissioned a lot of facilities, and have a good reputation. You also need to check that the company does not have a frozen construction. Well-known companies will not risk a reputation that has been built up over the years. Working with them is the safest.
Check documents. The developer must have all building permits. Proper paperwork is important. In this case, you will have confidence that the construction will be successfully completed and the house will be put into operation.
Visit the apartment at least several times during the construction phase of the house. You will be sure that everything goes according to plan, no unforeseen situations have arisen.
These are elementary measures, but following them, you get confidence that the acquisition of real estate will be successful and hassle-free.
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