Shoe store on Shulyavka

Shoe store on Shulyavka
Shoe store on Shulyavka - photo 1
Shoe store on Shulyavka - photo 2
Shoe store on Shulyavka - photo 3
Shoe store on Shulyavka - photo 4
Shoe store on Shulyavka - photo 5
Shoe store on Shulyavka - photo 6
Shoe store on Shulyavka - photo 7
Shoe store on Shulyavka - photo 8
Shoe store on Shulyavka - photo 9
Shoe store on Shulyavka - photo 10
Do we make furniture for shops?
Yes, we do custom-made furniture not only for apartments, private houses, but also for offices, a shop, etc. In the summer of 2020, we installed furniture at the Rieker shoe store. Absolutely all furniture for this object was made by Smart Mebel. The central place in the store is occupied by the checkout area; the designer has developed a convenient counter that will be comfortable for both customers and the seller. Also behind the cashier is a rack with many boxes for storing small products and a large number of display shelves.
We have placed shelves throughout the store, which are windscreens. We also created interesting geometric tables to showcase exclusive models. In general, it turned out to be a very interesting project, for us it was the first experience of working with this kind of store, but in our opinion it turned out to be successful as a result.